

Ghost Hunters S06E10

Episode 10 - Norwich State (05/05/2010) Finally!!! Never before has a paranormal team been invited to investigate Norwich State Hospital. That is- until tonight! Jason and Grant have wanted to visit this abandoned mental hospital for years- rumors of moving shadows, haunting faces, screams and moans and apparitions of children have attracted many an amateur ghost hunter. Yet the state would never allow anyone in officially to verify the claims before this episode of TAPS. Jay and Grant start out in the research building and it takes all of two minutes before they see some kind of moving shadow followed by a strange noise and faint...

America's Next Top Model S14E09

Episode 09 - Hobbits vs. Models (05/05/2010) Tension rose in the house when Angelea felt that her closest ally, Krista, was becoming closer to Alexandra than her. Jessica accidentally burnt a taco, setting the toaster on fire. The girls arrived at the “Hobbiton” movie set for the Lord of the Rings trilogy and met actress Sarah McLeod, who introduced them to their photo shoot challenge – they only had five frames to pose at the doorway of the Hobbit House. Angelea and Krista excelled, but it is the latter who won $3,000 worth of designer clothes. Tyra was the photographer for this week’s photo shoot, which required the girls to pose with...

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