

Cougar Town S02E07

Episode 07 - Fooled Again: I Don't Like It (03/11/2010)..

Jules is turning 42. Luckily, she’s finally dating someone who is older than she is. Grayson is actually only 40 but in “Jules World” he’s 43. There are a few ground rules regarding birthday presents. No gag gifts, no gift cards and don’t give her anything she’s supposed to love because it’s charitable. Jules will pick the best gift-giver. The losers will be judged and mocked. Sounds like a plan!

There’s a new Cougar Town craze you may wish to utilize. It’s called the “truth gun.” It’s a pistol you form with your finger and thumb. When pointed at someone’s head, that person must come clean. Note: Truth guns should not be confused with the finger guns Jules fires off from time to time.

Jules takes her truth gun for a test drive by asking Grayson if he ever thinks of his ex-wife while he’s having sex with her. Yes, the truth gun is a dangerous weapon. This is even more apparent when Andy points his TG at Jules. He wants to know if she believes they’d be friends if he wasn’t married to Ellie. Jules doesn’t think so. Yes, the truth gun hurts.

Jules tries to make it up to Andy by spending some Ellie-less time with him. She realizes they don’t know all that much about each other. Well, that’s not entirely true. Andy knows plenty about Jules. B positive is her blood type as well as her life motto. Jules is impressed. Andy scores even more points when he intercepts an incoming Barb attack. Too bad he sprains his ankle while skipping back to his appreciative friend.

A sympathetic Jules agrees to Andy’s idea of going dirty dancing for her birthday. Ellie had put the kibosh on that notion earlier. She informs Jules that the reason they are going dancing is because Andy played her in order to get what he wants. He’s an evil genius. Like Keyser Soze. Jules refuses to believe it. Of course, that’s partially because she has no idea who Keyser Soze is.

Eventually, Jules believes Ellie is telling the truth about her hubby. She calls him on it. Truth gun to the head, Andy admits that sometimes he fools Ellie when he acts as if her putdowns don’t hurt even when they do. It’s all about making their marriage work. But he would never do that to a friend. Once again, the truth gun hurts.

A neti pot is a little device that allows you to pour a saline solution through your nasal passages. Travis wants Bobby to use his neti pot to flush out his clogged sinuses. It doesn’t go well. In fact, the doctor says Bobby’s nose will be leaking liquid for the next few months because of this failed neti pot adventure. Bobby is mad that he even tried his boy’s stupid college death pot.

Bobby feels like the neti pot is a symbol of the things Travis is experiencing in college. He’s afraid he won’t be able to keep up with all his son’s new adventures. Travis convinces his dad that they’ll always have a bond and they’ll conquer the neti pot together. This epiphany leads to one of the most truly disturbing post-nasal drip musical montages in television history.

Grayson is desperate to find the perfect present for Jules. He teams with Laurie to dethrone Ellie as gift-giving champ. There’s only one way to make this happen: sabotage. They both know Ellie uses information she learns about her gift recipient to find the perfect present. So Grayson and Laurie lead her to believe Jules is into Asian art. Jules actually despises Asian art. She just doesn’t tell people because she thinks it makes her seem racist.

The plan works as Ellie gets Jules a little antique Chinese gong which she hates. Jules also gongs Grayson’s gift of cooking lessons. That leaves Laurie who went behind Grayson’s back to get Jules a lovely charm bracelet. She’s declared the gift-giving champ! The only thing missing from the party is Andy.

Ellie claims her hubby is still working his manipulation game. She’s right. Andy hobbles toward the gang before eventually walking right up to Jules to ask her to dance. Andy admits the only way he could pull off his scheme is because Jules cares so much about him, which is nice. Even an evil genius needs a friend.

Cougar Town is an American television sitcom that premiered on ABC on 23 September 2009. The series focuses on a recently divorced mom in her forties facing the often humorous challenges, pitfalls and rewards of life's next chapter, along with her son, ex-husband, and friends who together make up her dysfunctional, but supportive and caring extended family.

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