

Rules of Engagement S05E18

Episode 18 - Anniversary Chicken (10/03/2011)

Jeff is convinced that he has remembered his wedding anniversary and that Audrey has forgotten. Excited about the prospect of being the one who remembers for a change, Jeff orders flowers and makes a reservation at Audrey’s favorite restaurant. However, not wanting to tip her off, he cancels these plans when Jen and Adam invite the them to go bowling and Audrey accepts the invitation. During their bowling, Adam who was a junior champion, is extremely serious and competitive. Later that evening, Audrey surprises Jeff with a special cake for their anniversary. Jeff refuses to believe that she actually did remember and Audrey is angry and hurt when she discovers he cancelled all his plans in an attempt to prove she had forgotten. Meanwhile, Russell pays Timmy to be his translator on a date with Sophia, a beautiful Italian girl who does not speak English. Timmy suffers through their fancy dinner, as he translates their flirty and shallow conversation through to the very end of their date.

RULES OF ENGAGEMENT is a comedy about the different phases of male/female relationships, as seen through the eyes of a newly engaged couple, Adam (Oliver Hudson) and Jennifer (Bianca Kajlich), a long-time married pair, Jeff (Patrick Warburton) and Audrey (Megyn Price), and a single guy on the prowl, Russell (David Spade). As they find out, the often confusing stages of a relationship can seem like being on a roller coaster. People can describe the ride to you, but to really know what it's like you have to experience it for yourself.

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