

Body of Proof S01E07

Episode 07 - All in the Family (03/05/2011)

Megan’s latest case brings back memories of the day her father died. Ed Russell was a stay-at-home dad who was stabbed to death in his kitchen. His baby was upstairs at the time of the murder. His wife, Jen, stopped home for lunch to feed the child only to find her husband’s body. Her teen son, Mike, says his mom is a workaholic. So why was she home in the middle of the day?

Someone cleaned up a bit with peroxide after the murder. They conclude Jen tried to wipe away footprints she believed belonged to her son. Bud visits the Mike at football practice to chat about the fight he had with his dad the day before. The kid points a finger at a guy named Jake, a day laborer who helped his dad build furniture.

Jake is wearing Ed’s watch when Bud and Sam track him down. He claims it was a gift. He also has blade that is the same length as the murder weapon. He’s cleared when the team learns the killer has a skin condition that Jake doesn’t have. But the victim’s son does. Mike Russell left messages on his computer saying he’d like to make his dad disappear. The notes are to a mystery woman named Carla. Mike planned to run away with her.

The skin condition Mike has is hereditary, so further tests indicate that Ed wasn’t the boy’s father. This leads the team to discover that Jen Russell’s real name is Jennifer Burke. She changed her identity to escape an abusive ex and Mike’s real father, Timothy Scanlon. This felon posed as Carla online to track down Mike. Megan tries to confront Jen, but she slams the door in her face. She has no idea that Scanlon is holding Jen’s baby hostage on the other side.

Megan notices shadows in the window, so she sneaks inside the house to find the baby alone in a pack-and-play. Scanlon drags Jen outside as a swarm of Philly’s finest arrive. BANG! Bud shoots the suspect in the leg. Scanlon’s down. Jen and the rest of her family are safe. Case closed. But the memories of the day Megan’s own dad died remain open.

Megan is surprised to see her ex-hubby Todd at the office. He’s there to get help from Kate as he tries a pro bono case. Todd also needs Megan to cover his carpool duties with Lacey. Peter suggests she take a bag of treats along on the ride. In this case, it’s those Philadelphia favorites known as Tastykakes. The Krimpets and Kandy Kakes are the best. As far as the tween girls, they all thoroughly enjoy hearing the gory details of Megan’s murder case.

Todd’s client, Manny Santos is a good kid who took a joyride that went bad. The kid is in the country illegally, so he doesn’t have a birth certificate. Todd wants Kate to verify Manny’s age so he’s not tried as an adult. But the tests Curtis performs show signs of abuse from his uncle. Kate wants Todd to hire his client so he’ll qualify for entrance into a children’s home. That’ll work.

At the end of the day, Megan has a heart-to-heart chat with her daughter. Lacey says her friends think her mom is cool. It’s nice, albeit slightly weird. It’s enough of a breakthrough to have Lacey ask Megan if she could do the carpool thing again next week. That’ll work, too.

Body of Proof is an American medical drama television series created by Chris Murphey and produced by ABC Studios. Starring Dana Delany and Jeri Ryan, the series premiered on March 29, 2011.

The series stars Delany as Dr. Megan Hunt, a medical examiner. The show will focus on Hunt's efforts to balance the demands of her professional life with her personal life. Hunt was previously employed as a top flight neurosurgeon who has a life changing automobile accident. Her boss is the city's chief medical examiner, played by Ryan.

A brilliant neurosurgeon, Dr. Megan Hunt had it all, or so she thought. As the first female head of Neurosurgery at a prominent university hospital in Philadelphia, she never paid attention to how the requirements of her profession were reflected in her personal life, until her husband divorced her and she lost custody of their seven-year-old daughter. Still not recovered from the emotional trauma, Megan was physically transformed – a car accident left her with a condition called paresthesia – random attacks of numbness and cramping of her hands. Tragically, this disease did not appear before Megan went back to work. During an operation, she lost control of her instruments, which resulted in a patient's death. Megan's life as a neurosurgeon was finished.

Five years later, Megan has found new life as a court-medical expert, using her medical instincts that guided her so well when diagnosing the living to instead discover causes of death, disclose who was responsible, and why. As she seeks answers, she finds clues in the bodies of the dead. The body, in fact, is the proof. And with her unique blend of intelligence, instinct and medical knowledge, she can read the body like no other.

MU : 350mb
MF1 | MF2 : 350mb


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